Last week I started re-listening to “GTD Live” from David Allen to brush up un my system a little bit because I’d been feeling stuck in a rut lately. It’s basically a seminar from David Allen in an audio file. I was fortunate enough to be able to take David’s seminar over 10 years ago, and it’s great to be able to revisit all the helpful information he shared. I firmly believe every time you revisit his material you pick up something new that you hadn’t seen before. It helped me have one of the most productive weekends I’ve had in a while as well as let me feel on top of all my commitments this week, both at work and at home, and get more done. I reorganized my Omnifocus structure a good deal and setup a few different perspectives so I can quickly focus on different parts of my job at different times more easily. It’s amazing how many new inputs and obligations enter each of our worlds on a day to day bases, and I’m glad I have David’s system to help me manage it and stay sane.

In December I started using the Forever Notes framework from Matthias Hilse. He has created a system that really seems to work well with my brain. I love how it’s built into Apple Notes so I have it synced to all my Apple devices. I first started using the Forever Diary system from YouTube channel New Perspectives, and a version of that was built into Forever Notes. I just had to make a few changes to adapt my journal to the new system and it’s really been beneficial for me. If you haven’t heard of it and you use Apple devices, I highly recommend it. It’s completely free and his videos explain the framework very well.

Been loving these 3d printed gridfinity cutlery organizers I made a while back. Some I downloaded and a few of them I had to design myself. My favorite is the measuring cup and spoon organizer I designed. We have 3 sets of the same measuring spoons so we never run out when making a recipe.

I’ve been living the caseless lifestyle for a while now but didn’t love how slippery the naked back of the iPhone 15 Pro Max was. I ended up finding this Area 51 skin from dbrand which has raised ridges on it which make it a lot more grippy. I love the look of it too! They also have a yellow option I was eying up but stuck with black.

I then purchased a small set of iPhone wallpapers from YouTuber Kyle Erickson which I think just looks killer!! It’s the VENL Wallpaper Pack and I’ve got it on all my devices right now. It’s just so cool!

Well, I was excited for my new Series 10 Apple Watch because I thought I’d get to use all the new cool watch faces available now. Unfortunately, I quickly realized that the “Modular Ultra” watch face I’d been seeing in so many screenshots was an Apple Watch Ultra “ONLY” watch face…

Now I don’t need ALL the complications that the Modular Ultra face gives you, but can we please just get some better looking fonts? This new Series 10 screen is “technically” BIGGER than the Ultra screen. The face on the Ultra just looks so much cooler and makes the Series 10 modular face seem dated.

Very disappointed in this. I would consider returning my Series 10 and shelling out the money for an Ultra 2, but no way am I buying a year old smart watch… And I really don’t want that big bulky watch on my wrist…

I’m due for a new Apple Watch, currently sporting a Series 6 which struggles to get through the day on a charge.

What kinda sucks is the main flagship feature of the Apple Watch Series 10 is sleep apnea detection… Well when you HAVE sleep apnea and already use a CPAP, this feature is pretty meh.

I will enjoy the the bigger screen, faster processssor, and faster charging though.

Software-wise, I have two requests:

  1. Make it smarter. If I walk into a Trader Joe’s and lift my arm up to see my watch, I wish it automatically showed me my grocery list.
  2. I do love beautiful watch faces, but this is a “smart” watch. Why can’t we have the beautiful faces WITH some complications so that they are more functional?

Work on that for me will ya, Apple? 👍🏻

I know some people like the feel and smell of a paper book. Not me. My Kindle Oasis in a dimly lit room is the perfect reading apparatus. I consider myself more of a sporadic reader than an avid one. I have a tendency to start the same book, lose track, and need to restart it from the beginning fairly often.

I started reading Atomic Habits by James Clear yesterday which has been recommended by many people I follow in the productivity space.

I’ve read other books on habit forming, my favorite being The Power Of Habit by Charles Duhigg. I found it fascinating that when they first started to try to get people to brush their teeth in the early 1900’s, it wasn’t until they added a chemical that gave toothpaste it’s tingly feeling that people actually started cementing it as a habit. That was that chemical’s only job, to make you “feel” like it was working. It was other additives in the toothpaste that actually did the cleaning, but those didn’t give you any kind of sensation.

Let’s hope I can get to the end without having to restart it three times…and maybe it will help me finally establish a daily reading habit and become an avid reader.