Last week I started re-listening to “GTD Live” from David Allen to brush up un my system a little bit because I’d been feeling stuck in a rut lately. It’s basically a seminar from David Allen in an audio file. I was fortunate enough to be able to take David’s seminar over 10 years ago, and it’s great to be able to revisit all the helpful information he shared. I firmly believe every time you revisit his material you pick up something new that you hadn’t seen before. It helped me have one of the most productive weekends I’ve had in a while as well as let me feel on top of all my commitments this week, both at work and at home, and get more done. I reorganized my Omnifocus structure a good deal and setup a few different perspectives so I can quickly focus on different parts of my job at different times more easily. It’s amazing how many new inputs and obligations enter each of our worlds on a day to day bases, and I’m glad I have David’s system to help me manage it and stay sane.